Professional Development 2017
OCMA Professional Development (PD) Session
Seneca College
7th Floor Boardroom
Room 770
Markham Campus
8 The Seneca Way,
Markham, ON L3R 5Y1
Thoughts on mathematics education from an international perspective
Jos Nolle, Dean, Seneca International
The world in this 21st century is rapidly changing. Population movements happen in higher frequency and in larger numbers than previous decades. For Canada the job market is expected to change drastically as well as for most developed and emerging economies around the world. Nobody can predict with certainty but it is likely that scientific knowledge and skills, mostly in an applied sense, will be expected from all future employees in corporations and organizations. Understanding statistics and being able to analyze (big) data and products/processes steered by artificial intelligence will be required from all higher education graduates. How will this affect the way math is being taught at primary, secondary and tertiary levels? Do the educators in Finland have it right or will the Asian countries with their consistent discipline on memorization come out as winners? Based on some story telling we can reflect together on these questions.
Jos Nolle
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